Requirements for a Rebirth-Breathwork Practitioner

A basic technical competence of the Rebirth-Breathwork Technique (RBT) and the ability to competently take a client through the process and deal with any issues that may arise.

To demonstrate a basic technical competency in the RBT and be awarded a Certificate in Rebirth-Breathwork the following requirements need to be completed within a two year period.

  1. Practical Training – a minimum of 20 breathing sessions (10 as a breather and 10 as a supporter). Having experienced at least one water rebirthing.
  2. Theoretical Training – Understanding of the following –
    • Mother Effect,
    • Father Effect,
    • The Birth Experience,
    • Early Childhood Development,
    • Forgiveness,
    • Personal Responsibility,
    • Epigenetics,
    • Disassociation,
    • Levels of Consciousness,
    • Kundalini,
    • Dysfunctional Pattern Clearing, NLP,
    • Past Lives,
    • Dreams & Symbolism,
    • Basic Anatomy of the Respiratory System
    • Ethics & Professionalism.

Requirements for a Successful Rebirth-Breathwork Practice

  1. Practitioner SkillsTechnical Competence – minimum of 20 breathing sessions (10 as a breather and 10 as a supporter). Having experienced at least one water rebirthing.Theoretical Understanding of the following – Mother Effect, Father Effect, The Birth Experience, Early Childhood Development, Forgiveness, Personal Responsibility, Epigenetics, Disassociation, Levels of Consciousness, Kundalini, Dysfunctional Pattern Clearing, NLP, Past Lives, Dreams & Symbolism, Basic Anatomy of the Body, Ethics & Professionalism.
  2. Practitioner ExperienceAt least two years of full-time clinical experience having worked with at least 50 different people. Conducting yourself in an ethical and professional manner with all of your clients.
  3. Personal PowerIf your client’s personality is more powerful than yours, then it is highly likely you will have difficulty working with them.A commitment to continual personal development and to releasing your ego limitations. Regular personal breathwork sessions, counseling and/or mentoring, at least one of these a month for the first ten years of your professional life.A commitment to 100% Personal Responsibility for the circumstances of your life. Being kind and respectful of yourself.
  4. Business SkillsPractice management, keeping accurate client records. Marketing. Planning and Goals. Understanding your Unique Selling Proposition (USP). Budgeting and Financial records.